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Career Pathfinder Premium Coaching:  Start Date 3/19/23

This is an eight module series with a 60-minute 1:1 coaching session following each module.



This all-inclusive program is specifically designed for the warriors willing to dive deep and partner with me to do the work and walk through the discomfort of recognizing the patterns of behavior that have kept them stuck.

In addition to discovering the optimal role/career for you, this series includes troubleshooting obstacles, examining internal scripts that may be holding you back, and engaging strategies to avoid the most common pitfalls encountered on the journey to enlightenment. 

      Career Pathfinder Premium Coaching: Start Date 3/19/23

      • Use PayPal Credit at checkout if you are interested in a 6-month interest-free payment plan.

        On the start date of your program you will receive an email containing links for the Module 1 video and digital files for Module 1 post-video exercises. 

        You will also be provided a link to schedule an optional 30-minute Introductory Call prior to moving forward with Module 1. 

        Every two weeks you will receive an email containing the links and files for the next Module in the series.

        You will complete the exercises for each Module within the first two weeks following receipt of materials.  In the third week following receipt of the Module's materials, when you work is complete, you will schedule a 60-minute 1:1 session with your coach to review your work, thoughts, insights and progress to date, ask any questions you may have, and receive insights and guidance from your coach.   

        You can move as fast or as slowly through the sessions as they wish,  and email support is available for questions regarding the process. 


        How does it work?

        You will receive a link to download the "Next Steps" digital file on the thank you page following checkout, along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days.   

        The digital files include:

        • Next steps 

      Copyright © 2023 Julie R Delgado, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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