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NEW Mini-Series:  Entrepreneurial Business Idea Vetting

Successful startup founders have an entrepreneurial way of thinking and acting that makes their businesses wildly successful. An entrepreneurial way of thinking is taking bold risks to accomplish something outstanding, but first, you need a solid foundation. This series identifies and focuses on how to refine your business idea to be compelling to your target audience. through differentiation.


* * * * *    - James H

​"Julie is fabulous! When I hired Julie as a coach, she not only illustrated the importance of building a strong and defendable brand that was true to me and my vision, but she also taught me how to do it.  The lessons she incorporated between our sessions helped me flush out all the important details needed to start my new Virtual Yoga Business.  She also helped me make a plan that will still make sense in the coming years as my business begins to sustainably grow.  Hiring Julie was one of the best investments I have ever made in myself, and I certainly recommend her when you are trying got plan out a successful new business venture.



* * * * *   -Eileen L.

​"I signed on with Julie last March, and when I look at how much has happened since as a direct result of our coaching relationship, I am in disbelief.  I have gone from feeling trapped and depressed in a job that no longer met my needs to feeling invigorated and inspired as I get ready to launch my own business.  I had interviewed a number of coaches and ultimately chose Julie for her business savvy, candor, and positivity, and because in our initial phone conversation I just felt like we clicked....not one week in, that I had an ah-ha moment that set the course for the new entrepreneurial venture.  It all became so immediately clear, so obvious, that I hit the ground running and never looked back.  My work with Julie pivoted from career exploration to how to set up a business.  I cannot overstate how invaluable she has been to me in this process., She got helped me envision my ideal customer; discussed marketing and branding; provided insights on pricing my services; and so much more.  Stepping out on my own was scary, but her encouragement made me believe in myself and my plan.  Rather than depressed, I feel alive again and excited about the future.  My highest recommendation.

NEW Mini-Series: Entrepreneurial Business Idea Vetting

  • 1:1 Entrepreneurial Startup Coaching Series -   this is a two  90-120 minute session series.


    How Does It Work?

    • ​The client will receive 1+ pre-assignment(s) before each session that must be completed and returned in order to schedule the associated session.​  
    • Once completed, the client submits the assignment(s) via email for a brief review to deem the assignment(s) complete. The client is then sent a scheduling link for a ninety-minute 1:1 coaching session.​
    • The client can book the session whenever they wish, depending on calendar availability. 


    Following purchase - 

    Links to download digital files are available on the thank you page at checkout, and you will also receive an emailed link that will last for 30 days.


    The digital files include:

    • Next steps
    • 'What to Expect' Insights
    • Scheduling link for a 30-minute Introductory call (optional)
    • The 1st session pre-assignment 
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